Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior among the Administrative Staff of State Universities in Sri Lanka
Hemakumara, M.G.G , Prof. Dr. Khatibi, A.A , Prof. Dato Dr. Md Gapar Md Johar ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 40-44 | Views: 1334 | Downloads: 381 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3484454
Job satisfaction is the match between the rewards, both financial and non-financial, that an organization provides and the employee's expectation from the said organization. Organizational Citizenship Behavior is the employee’s extra contribution towards the organization and its affairs beyond the expected work level as defined by the Job Description. This research paper aims to explore the effect of job satisfaction on organizational citizenship behavior among the administrative staff of state universities in Sri Lanka. It had team previously reported that job satisfaction had a significant relationship with the organization citizenship behavior of employees in various other sectors and industries. With the view of the importance of the state university as a large public sector organization in Sri Lanka, this study focus to analyze the effect of job satisfaction on organizational citizenship behavior of administrative staff of state universities in Sri Lanka. Well established questionnaires with needed modifications were used to collect the primary data. A total of 238 questionnaires were distributed among the response, and 168 usable questionnaires were returned. Thus the questionnaire response rate was 71%. SPSS statistical package was used to analyses data. The findings confirm that there is a significant and positive relationship exists between job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior among the administrative staff of state universities in Sri Lanka
Administrative staff, job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior, state universities
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