The Identification of Portfolio Attraction (Customer) Approaches; Case Study: Iran Insurance Company - Tabriz City
Rahman Khohasteh Parsa , Abolfazl Moghadam , Kamran Yeganegi ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 45-53 | Views: 1326 | Downloads: 320 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3484459
The companies active in the insurance industry market play the role of a supportive collection for the economy and the various industries of the country in line with the main tasks and missions expected from the insurance industry. The nature of the insurance companies requires them to move in the direction of the client, and if they succeed in attracting and retaining the customer, they will cause the continuity and stability of the company. The purpose of the insurance companies is to identify the customer's need, and his satisfaction and the meet of these needs in order to be able to to have more sale. The statistical population of this research includes all managers and insurance agents of Tabriz city. The statistical sample of this research is 150. The research instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire and interviews with managers and insurance agents of Iran Insurance and experts. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed due to standardization. The reliability of the questionnaire was measured using Cronbach's alpha. The results show that the reliability level of the questionnaire was calculated to be 80.25%, which has a desirable level. To analyze the data, data analysis and hypotheses are analyzed using spss18 and Expert Choose software. The main statistics used in this study are the central measurements (mean, median, and index) and the dispersion index of the standard deviation and the interval between the quarter and the Delphi method. The results of the test indicated that based on the results of the above table, the group places the most important for the strategy of market segmentation system design in order to determine the market (S3) as the most important factor affecting the attraction of portfolio with the priority coefficient (0.467); the market identification and identification of policy capacity (s2) and market segmentation (s1) are prioritized in the next categories
customer attraction, portfolio, Iran Insurance, Delphi method
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