Assessment of the Effects of Sales Force Performance Evaluation on Effective and Efficient Sales Management of a Service Company: First Bank Nigeria Plc Exposition


Okolo, Victor O , Obikeze, Chinedum O , Mmamel Zita U , Okafor, Jones N , Nmere Obasi N ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 01-11 | Views: 1454 | Downloads: 496 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3484434

Volume 7 - August 2018 (08)


An investigation was conducted to discover the effects of sales force performance evaluation on effective and efficient sales management of First Bank. The relationship between sales force performance evaluation and training as well as the relationship between sales force performance evaluation and motivation were the two specific objectives of the study. The population of study is 100 executive staff of First Bank PLC in Enugu metropolis were purposively targeted in the study. For the validity of the instrument, the questionnaire was vetted by research professionals based on face validity in terms of relevance to the subject matter, objective of the study, coverage of the content areas, appropriateness of language usage and clarity of purpose. The value of the test of reliability is 0.930 which was conducted using Cronbach’s Alpha. Primary data was adopted for the study and data was analyzed using Pearson’s Product Moment correlation coefficient using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Hypotheses revealed that there is a significant relationship between sales force performance evaluation and training of sales people (r = 0.507, p < 0.05). It was also revealed that sales force performance evaluation has a significant relationship with motivation of sales people (r = 0.788, p < 0.05). The conclusion is that there is a direct and positive relationship between sales force performance evaluation and both training and motivation. Researchers recommend that sales managers need to take the evaluation of salespeople seriously to be able to be accountable to management regarding the nature and personality of sales people they recruit


Sales evaluation, Sales management, Sales training and Sales motivation


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