Composite Strategy for Carbon Emission Control in Supply Chains: A novel model for Sustainable Management Decision Making


Sun Licheng , Lloyd Anadjoe , Atta Emmanuel Kofi ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 143-151 | Views: 1197 | Downloads: 326 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3490191

Volume 7 - November 2018 (11)


A novel composite incentive strategy for carbon emission reduction (CISCER) was developed, incorporating existing carbon emission technologies and practice of green product manufacturing and supply GMPs. The proposed strategy was tested in a cross-sectional survey using the European Customer Satisfaction Index and a partial least square design for structural equation modeling using the SmartPLS (version 3) software. Stimulating variables were tested for the effects on the willingness of supply chain managers to adopt the proposed CISCER model and findings showed that almost all except premiums had a significant influence on the perceived level of satisfaction derived by supply chain managers with the CISCER model which is directly linked to their willingness to adopt same. The correlation coefficient of most influencing variable was perceived profits (0.81), followed by perceived sustainability (0.71), perceived organizational image (0.60), perceived product value (0.56), perceived cost reduction (0.52), and premiums (0.34) being the least influential on willingness. The model was further proved and a quadratic optimization modeling approach proposed for the maximization of profits and reduction of costs. Approach and findings are relevant in the development, testing, and adoption of new strategies towards the realization of carbon emission reduction goals of firms in supply chain management.


Supply chain management, decision support, carbon emission reduction, composite incentive strategy


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