The Instruction Efficacy of Major Courses in Customs Administration Program


Rowell Agliones Diaz ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 152-161 | Views: 1080 | Downloads: 367 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3490195

Volume 7 - November 2018 (11)


The study was conducted to determine the instruction efficacy of major courses in the program of Customs Administration in Midway Maritime Foundation, Inc. in terms of mastery of the subject matter, planning, and organization, classroom management, methods/techniques in teaching and assessment of students’ learning. The respondents of the study were 160 students and 3 instructors. The study used a descriptive correlational research method. The data were gathered through a survey questionnaire. The data were analyzed using percentage, weighted mean, t-test, and Pearson product moment correlation.

The results of the study revealed the following: there is a significant relationship between the profile variables of the respondents and their perception; there is a significant difference in the students’ perception when grouped according to year level; there is no significant difference between the perceptions of the two groups of respondents; the academic performance of the student-respondents is  fairly satisfactory; the two groups of respondents agreed that the teaching effectiveness might be described as very satisfactory.


Instruction efficacy, mastery, Customs Administration


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