Quality of Service of Selected Courier Service Company in Cabanatuan City: It’s Implication to Customer Satisfaction
Download Full PDF Pages: 162-168 | Views: 1132 | Downloads: 330 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3490197
The study was prepared in the conjecture that customer satisfaction reflects the quality of service of a company. Thus, this study aims to determine the customer satisfaction on the services provided by selected courier services in Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija for the further implication of satisfaction in meeting customers’ expectation. The study used the descriptive-quantitative method of research. This research method is a combination of two model; descriptive and quantitative. More specifically, the researchers want to know the relationship between respondents’ socio-demographic profile and the level of satisfaction and how significant is the difference between customers and employees satisfaction. The study used statistical data to analyze the results using Pearson Product Moment Correlation to measure the relationship of the socio-demographic profile and t-test for the significant difference on the customers and employees satisfaction, and a Cronbach's alpha was executed on a sample size of 26 customers of LBC , the 20% of the target respondent.
The findings revealed that customers are satisfied with the services of courier companies. The level of satisfaction has indicated a significant relationship to some area of services. It shows that the satisfaction of the respondents is significant among the total population of the customers in the courier services. The findings also show the high expectation of customers which need to be addressed by the courier companies.
courier services, quality of service, customer satisfaction, customer expectation, the theory of service
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