A Study On The Impact And Processes Of Optimizing The Competitive Strategy Of MTN Ghana
Samuel Akowuah , Abdoulie Sohna , Prof. Jiang Xinying ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 96-131 | Views: 1197 | Downloads: 321 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3490131
Mobile Telephone Network (MTN), the leading telecommunications company in the emerging markets of Africa and the Middle East, entered the Ghanaian market following the acquisition of Investcom in 2006. MTN is the market leader in the increasingly competitive mobile telecommunications industry in Ghana.MTN Ghana Ltd has enjoyed considerable financial success in the country since it commenced operations in the past nine decades. However, the overall direction of the telecommunication industry has changed towards lower call rates, lower internet bundle, quality customer service, tailored products, and there is also intensified competition. This paper seeks to identify and evaluate the competitive strategies adopted by MTN Ghana Ltd and identify the areas of competition in the telecom industry. It will also determine the effects of competitive strategies on the performance of the telecom. This study employed both qualitative and quantitative methods of research. Questionnaires, as well as interviews, were the tools used in gathering data.
Among others, the study revealed that, the environment in which MTN Ghana Ltd finds itself is highly competitive and that, telecoms operates in the area of pricing, products, and customer service. MTN Ghana Ltd has adopted a niche or focus strategy to give special attention to different segmented clients with different needs. It is recommended that MTN Ghana Ltd continues to find ways of differentiating itself by changing its strategic direction also to incorporate a refocus on superior customer service.
MTN Ghana, Competitive Steretgy
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