Investigating the impact of Diversity Oriented HR Practices and Aspirational Leadership towards Thriving at Work- Moderating Stance of Fairness Perception


Rabeea Ishaq , Muhammad Ahsan Athar , Alia Manzoor , Noor Ul Ain ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 08-21 | Views: 1366 | Downloads: 379 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3490288

Volume 7 - December 2018 (12)


The emerging trends of heterogeneity within the organizations to meet competitions, to reach towards technological advancement within the organizational level, as well as the diversity among employees, has been increased for bringing talent from diverse cultures under one shade. The focus of this study will be to explain the emerging role of the HR department for the establishment of practices towards the enhancement of thriving at work and to empirically test the impact of DOHRP towards Thriving at the workplace. The purpose is for the development of employees and the promotion of peace in organization, literature reveals that the majority of the work related to HR practices is done on its impact performance as well as competition of an organization, but with this emerging trend of globalization the need for a worthy employees thriving is also one of the major concern. Data were collected by using convenient sampling technique from a total of the 315 respondent’s (employees) working in different branches of the banking sector of Pakistan. SPSS and process Method has been used for the analysis of the data. This research study is concluded with a discussion and future research directions


HR Practices, Aspirational Leadership, Impact of Diversity


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