Why do More Companies Fail ? The Different Types of Corporate Crisis and the Main Causes of Bankruptcy
Carmelo Intrisano , Anna Paola Micheli , Alberto Di Bona ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 185-190 | Views: 1077 | Downloads: 435 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3490222
The business crisis is a very current and debated topic. Knowing the typology of the crisis and the causes that generated it helps a lot of rehabilitation and its success. However, the literature has not given much weight to these issues while the methods of evaluating companies have been extensively studied to identify the indicators of the crisis. The objective of this research is to focus on the different types of crises and their behavior, considering the causes that led companies in difficult situations. After reviewing the literature, I conducted an analysis of the most important types of corporate crises, and I examined the causes that could lead to business disruption
Insolvency, bankruptcy, economic-financial crises, inefficiency, overcapacity, rigidity
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