Workplace Spirituality Paradigm at Public and Private Schools of Punjab, Pakistan


Muhammad Arshad , Dr Zia Ahmad Qamar , Saeed Ahmad ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 35-41 | Views: 1275 | Downloads: 337 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3490324

Volume 7 - December 2018 (12)


The main focus of this paper was to compare the workplace spirituality paradigm at public and private schools. The study was quantitative, descriptive in nature and survey method was approached to collect data. The researchers developed rating scale comprising of seventeen dimensions of workplace spirituality paradigm which was upgraded and validated in the response of expert educational opinion and piloted before actual data collection. The sample of the study was 270 participants of public and private schools of the division Sahiwal. The dimensions of workplace spirituality like teachers satisfied with their job, work connectedness with life requirement, teachers think about values and worth of the institution, linking of work and social goodness of community, promotion of creativeness of spirit of community, work spirituality reduces job pressure, teachers work in the institution as a family, and the teachers feel sense of joy are best experienced in public schools as compared to private schools. The dimensions of workplace spirituality like meaningfulness in work, teachers promote climate of mutual trust and respect, discipline is maintained, priority of caring is important, sense of humanity at workplace, increase energy value and spirit of the teachers at the workplace, connectedness with goals and objectives of the institution and the teachers goes to institution happily experienced better in private schools as compared to public schools.


Workplace Spirituality, Public schools, Dimensions, Meaningful work, Sense of humanity, Compared. 


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