Factor Influencing University Students Purchasing Of Genetically Modified Food (GMF)
Erni Tanius , Nur Hidayah Zahari , Nurul Syafiqah Zolkefli , Ana Nadirah Mohd ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 42-48 | Views: 1112 | Downloads: 322 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3490331
GMF is a controversial issue globally, many consumers, especially in developed countries such as Europe and Japan, refuse to purchase or consume GMF, they claimed that GMF unnatural, harmful to human and environment. Meanwhile, government and producers primarily in developing country insists that GM technology crucial since the current of increasing population is not in line with the growths of the production. Therefore, this study would like to identify university students on their awareness, and factors influence them to purchase GMF. 105 students participated in this study and the questionnaire used to collect the data. Meanwhile, descriptive statistics used to answer the research questions. The result indicated that nearly half (41%) respondents unaware about GMF. For those who are aware, mainly has a positive perception toward GMF, as they claimed the price of GMF cheaper. The study also recommended that campaign on awareness of GMF timely needed as a university student are the future generation, the opinion able to boost biotechnology industry in Malaysia
Factors, influence, a university student, purchase, GMF, Malaysia
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