The Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance: Evidence of Vietnam Textile and Garment Industry
Thi Thuy Lien Dinh , Thi Thu Hoai Pham ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 19-24 | Views: 1277 | Downloads: 406 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3490358
The direct relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and financial performance has been investigated by many researchers, but direct testing seems to be inaccurate as it is difficult to explain why there are these results. Because there are many factors indirectly affect this relationship. This study examines corporate reputation, customer loyalty, and employee engagement as mediate variables in the relationship between CSR and financial performance. The sample is 389 garment enterprises in Vietnam show that the link between CSR and financial efficiency is the intermediate relationship. The positive effect of CSR on financial performance is due to the positive impact of CSR on the company's reputation, customer satisfaction, and employee engagement.
Corporate social responsibility, financial performance, textile and garment industry, Vietnam
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