The Moderating Effect of Job Satisfaction on the Relationship of MIS and School Performance in Pakistan


Waqas Mahmood , Siti Noor Ismail , Mohammad Sofian ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 98-103 | Views: 1066 | Downloads: 358 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3491414

Volume 8 - January 2019 (01)


This study intends to verify the moderating effect of job satisfaction on the relationship between Management information systems (MIS) and school performance in Pakistan. In the previous studies review of the theories explaining the role of Management information systems (MIS) on boosting corporate performance were conducted. Past research has shown that the Management information system (MIS) has provided facts that are related to information on the effects of several factors on performance, output rate on workers. This paper will also look at the meaning and benefits of a management information system. The types of management information system will also be discussed in this research. This study will further reveal more information on the MIS ability to bring about a higher degree of performance in schools. It will also suggest some features of MIS with a direct impact on schools, job satisfaction, and performance in Pakistan.


Management information system, job satisfaction, school performance, moderating effect 


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