The Management of the Social and the Outdoor Advertising Media in Political Campaign Activities
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The social and the outdoor advertising media are medium that is often used in political campaign activity in Indonesia. Both media are packaged and managed attractively in hopes of persuading the public to choose certain parties or politicians. Based on this condition, the writer was interested to understand how to manage campaign media in political parties, especially the social and the outdoor advertising media. Then, to examine this problem, the writer used the qualitative method to design a single case study as a method to analyze the problem. This research is generally in the form of descriptions, narratives, data, images or statements obtained from research subjects, both directly and indirectly related to the management of social and outdoor advertising media in political campaign activities carried out by the DPC of PDI-P Tangerang Indonesia. The results of the study show that the use of social and outdoor advertising media must be well planned communicated and evaluated in order to increase the credibility of political parties. So that it can be concluded that DPC of PDI-P integrates the functions of digital social and outdoor advertising media simultaneously, considering that the two media can target different audiences. The social media used in political campaigns, i.e., online media consists of websites and social media such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, WA Group. Then outdoor media includes banners that can be reached by the public in their neighborhood. To optimize the function of social and outdoor advertising media, the DPC PDI-P Tangerang also conducts media management processes including segmenting constituent stages, selecting campaign media, arranging political messages, controlling and monitoring media campaigns, conducting media campaign effectiveness surveys, carrying out the process assessment, and finally processing an improvement.
Social media, outdoor advertising media, political campaigns.
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