Impact of Implementation of Knowledge Management Tools on Organizational Performance in the Organizations of Bangladesh
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This study is conducted to identify the level of implementation of KM tools and their impact on organizational performance. A self-administered questionnaire survey among the top and mid-level managers of the organizations was used to collect data. Descriptive statistics along with multiple regression were used to achieve research objectives. It is found from the result that the most common tools used in these organizations are the internet, followed by intranet and training and support (E-learning) while the least implemented tools are groupware, extranet, and knowledge map. Regression analysis result reveals that each of the KM tools knowledge sharing and dissemination, knowledge capture and creation tools, and knowledge acquisition and application tools have a significant positive impact on improving internal business processes related performance. But, these tools have no significant impact on improving customer related performance, related financial performance, and learning and growth related performance. Based on the findings conclusions are drawn, and some future research directions are provided.
Knowledge Management, Knowledge Management Tools, Organizational Performance, Balanced Score Card.
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