Social and Political Activities of Women in Sindh


Dr.Nasrullah Kabooro , Nazia Parveen Gill , Muhammad Ali Laghari , Ms. Fahmida Memon , Ms. Farazana Sonlangi ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 58-61 | Views: 1133 | Downloads: 389 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3470766

Volume 6 - May 2017 (05)


Soon after the First World War, political reawakening got accelerated impetus in the sub-continent. The Muslim women joined hands with men in this national struggle. Thus,  we find several ladies like  Miss Fatima  Jinnah, Begum  Rana Liaqat  Ali Khan, Lady Nusrat Haroon, and Begum  Sughra  Hidayatullah,  leading the  Freedom Movement and mobilizing female public opinion in favor of the demand for Pakistan. After independence, many prominent ladies worked hard in the nation- building a program to consolidate the newly born state. Some of those prominent ladies who strived to bring to Social and Political awaking among the women were Begum Rana Liaquat Ali Khan, Fatima Jinnah, Nusrat Bhutto and Muhtrama Benazir Bhutto etc.This paper reflects a brief review of the services rendered by the Sindhi women in the development of the restored province of  Sindh in general and women’s rights in particular. The services and the contribution of these prominent ladies have been highlighted in this article.


Social activities, Women in Sindh


1.      Zardari, Muhammad Liaq, Dr. 1984  Tarikh-i- Pakistan main Sindh Jo His Moro:10th  Chapter.

2.      Khan,  Muhammad Ayub, 1947, Friends  Not Masters,  Oxford University Press, p-254.

3.      Soomro, Muhammad Qasim, Dr. 1989,  Muslim Politics in Sindh, 1938 -47, Jamshoro: p-155.

4.      Syed, G.M. 1947. Janab Guzarium  Jin Seen, ( Jamshoro: Sindh Adbi Board, ) Vol.I.

5.      Syed, G.M. 1979Janab Guzarium  Jin Seen, ( Jamshoro: Sindh Adbi Board, ) Vol.II. pp.295,398.

6.      Each live, Mahar 1989For details  see “ Daughter of  Destiny”  by  Benazir Bhutto,  London, )

7.      Kachelive, Mahar, 1985  Sindh Ki Siyasi Khawateen, ( Mirpurkhas, ,p. 119)

8.      Kachelive, Mahar, 1985  .Ibid ,pp-125 -27 

9.      Kachelive, Mahar, 1985  Ibid, p-132

10.  Kachelive, Mahar, 1985  Ibid, p-133

11.  Kachelive, Mahar, 1985  Ibid,pp.124-35

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13.  Kachelive, Mahar, 1985  Ibid, various pages.

14.  Authar, Khalid, 1987, Zindah Loag, Publishers (Hyderabad: pp.87 -103.

15.  Sindhi, Memon Abdul Majeed, 1993, Sindhi Adab ji Tarikh, Larakana, , chapter  8, various  pages.

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