The Impacts Of Corporate Social Responsibility On Firms Performance Through Enterprise Risk Management At Small And Medium Enterprise In Forest Product Processing Sector In Midland Area Of Northern Viet Nam
Thi Thu Hoai Pham , Thi Lua Pham , Thi Kim Xuyen Dinh ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 69-74 | Views: 1012 | Downloads: 319 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3491447
Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) is business ethics and contributes to sustainable economic development, adding improving the quality of life for workers and communities. The impact of CRS on financial performance increases competitive advantage, improve reputation and attract investment resources. The objective of this paper is to assess the role of enterprise risk management in the relationship between CRS, and financial performance was conducted on 152 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in forest product processing sector in the midland area of northern Vietnam. From that, the author proposed solutions to enterprise risk management are the implementation of CSR to reduce risks and sustainable development
Corporate social responsibility, enterprise risk management, and financial performance
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