Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility to Customer Loyalty: Vietnamese Textile and Garment Enterprises
Thi Thu Hoai Pham , Thi Diep Uyen Doan ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 75-85 | Views: 1381 | Downloads: 349 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3491451
The objective of the article is to test the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on customer loyalty (CL). I am using survey data from 389 Vietnamese textile and garment enterprises included in the "textile enterprises directory" issued by the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association in 2015. Results after 3 months of conducting surveys and collecting data Data analysis results show that CSR is implemented in three aspects: employees, environment, and community have a positive impact on customer loyalty. Specifically, when businesses implement CSR will make a repeat purchase rate of customers increase, and revenue from old customers is also higher than new customers. Since then, the author recommends that Vietnamese textile and garment enterprises should have a CSR strategy to reduce the costs of finding customers and advertising
Corporate social responsibility, customer loyalty, Vietnamese textile, and garment enterprises.
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