The Influence of Self Regulatory Efficacy on Consumer Purchase Behavior of Pirated Music CDs in Tanzania
Dr. Hellena Mohamed Mushi , Prof Nor Azila Mohd Noor ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 101-107 | Views: 1156 | Downloads: 304 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3491839
The music industry generally has experienced an upsurge in the sales of pirated music CDs and especially in Tanzania. While this trend continues, very limited studies have been conducted in developing countries. This study is, therefore, one of the few attempts to investigate the influence of self-regulatory efficacy on the purchase behavior of consumers in Tanzania. The casual model was empirically tested by using partial least-square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). A survey of 491 Generation Y consumers as the main music users in Tanzania was carried out. This study was conducted using an intercept survey method at selected malls in a former capital city of Tanzania (Dar-es- salaam). The result reveals that self-regulatory efficacy positively influences purchase behavior among the selected respondents. Implications of the findings were presented
Pirated Music, Self-Regulatory Efficacy, Tanzania, Theory of Planned Behaviour
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