Demographicand Ethnic Changs, Creating Challenges For Society: A Sociological Analysis Of Karachi During 2014 - 2015.
Dr. Ameer Ali Abro , Dr. Aazadi Fateh , Niaz Ahmed Bhutto , Dr. Naima Saeed ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 62-66 | Views: 1139 | Downloads: 365 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3470770
This study is related to Karachi, one of the largest urban settlement of the world and most populated and largest city and economic hub of Pakistan. Demographically this is the heterogeneous city with different types of ethnic, sub-ethnic, religious, and sectarian groups, even mix ethnic and sectarian groups with a verity of characteristics. In current situation population of Karachi is under depression and uncertainty. Demographic situations are changing rapidly; the population of the city is developing ethnic pockets. The city Karachi has its different dimensions depends upon, political chapters, economic problems, ethnic pressures, prominent signs of international interventions and conflicts.
Specific objectives of the study were, to find out current demographic changes in the population of Karachi and its impact on the changing patterns of ethnicity, To find out relationship between changing ethnic pattern and its impacts and challenges created for society, and To find out relationship between changing ethnic patterns, Migrations and current law and order situation of the city. The study is exploratory in nature, and research was initiated through personal and professional dialogue with stakeholders, to evaluate the problems through previous studies, Focus Group Discussions of basic stakeholders.
The study was, provide authentic recommendations to solve the demographic, changes especially due to migrations and ethnic problems; it helps the policymakers for proper planning of the city. As well as this study will be an asset to my institution and helpful for a future researcher.
Heterogeneous, Ethnic, Demographic, population patterns, Sectarian, Extremism.
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