The Moderating Role of Organizational Culture on Business to Business Electronic Commerce Adoption in Small and Medium Manufacturing Firms
Chosniel Elikem Ocloo , Hu Xuhua , Tsetse Ernest , Adelaide Spio-Kwofie , Abdul-Aziz Ibn Musah ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 10-31 | Views: 1088 | Downloads: 348 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3491463
The purpose of this research is to examine the role of organizational culture in Business to business (B2B) electronic commerce adoption. An interaction model of organizational culture and technological, organizational, and environmental (TOE) factors was developed. A survey of 315 managers and owners in small and medium manufacturing firms in Ghana was used to test the proposed model. The analyzed data indicate that the moderating effect of organizational culture was found to be negative and significant in one path, which was top management support. Organizational culture did not moderate the effects of technological and environmental variables as well as the organization’s readiness. Past empirical research has paid insufficient attention to the moderating role of organizational culture in e-commerce; therefore, the results of this research contribute to filling the gaps in e-commerce literature. The findings offered insights into how owners, managers, and policy makers can facilitate the adoption of B2B e-commerce.
B2B e-commerce; Organizational culture; TOE, SMEs; Partial least squares; Ghana
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