Multidisciplinarity in the Treatment Process: An Essential Element in Clinical Governance
Valerio Brescia , Indelicato Alessandra , Chmet Federico , Maglio Pietro , Muraca Lucia , Mazzei Aurelio , Guzzo Maria Laura , Cardona Rosario , Bisogni Katiuscia , Notarangelo Mauro , De Fina Mariarosanna ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 47-62 | Views: 1306 | Downloads: 343 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3491482
Clinical governance includes different activities and tools that can be activated to increase problem-solving skills. The Multidisciplinarity in health care is a useful tool for problem-solving and is interwoven with other elements of clinical governance. The study underlines how different points of view and different professional approaches are able to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the treatment process, thus increasing the quality and safety of the patient. Six professions involved in the care process of the examined structure allowed the exploration of the case study and the resolution of a management case. The analysis tests what has already been proposed in the literature and provides some useful reflections for future investigations. Qualitative analysis poses several hypotheses that still need to be deepened and tested through quantitative analyses related to the relapse of the case study.
clinical governance, multidisciplinarity, problem solving, efficiency, effectiveness
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