Practicum Exercise and the Attitudes of Pre-Service Educational Administrators in the University of Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria
Owan, V. J , Arop, F.O , Agunwa, J.N ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 39-46 | Views: 1102 | Downloads: 294 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3491477
This study was aimed at examining “practicum exercise and the attitudes of pre-service educational administrators in Cross River State.” Pre-administrators’ attitudes were assessed in the area of self-discipline, time management, and record keeping. Three null hypotheses formulated offered direction to the study. The study adopted a quasi-experimental research design. Pre-service administrators with practicum experience were the experimental group while those without practicum experience were the control group. Cluster and simple random sampling techniques were adopted in selecting 60 final year students and 60 years three students or its equivalent out of a population of 220 final years and 208 years three students or its equivalent, from both NUC and CES programmes respectively. The instrument used for data collection was Practicum Exercise, Study Habits, and Record-Keeping Abilities Questionnaire (PESDTMARKAQ). Independent t-test was used to test the null hypotheses at .05 level of significance using Microsoft Excel 2013 Data analysis tool pack. The results of the study showed that practicum exercise had no effect on pre-service administrators’ self-discipline and record keeping attitudes; Practicum exercise was found to affect time management attitudes of pre-service educational administrators. Based on these findings, it was recommended among several others that; pre-service administrators with practicum experience should make efforts to develop the level of their self-discipline by enacting and obeying personal policies that are favorable to their academic growth and progress.
Practicum; Self-discipline; Time Management; Recordkeeping; Attitudes, Educational Administrators.
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