Foreign Direct Investment Directed Towards E-Commerce Platforms


Philip Agyei PEPRAH , Yao HONGXING ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 63-71 | Views: 1043 | Downloads: 300 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3491484

Volume 8 - March 2019 (03)


Internationalisation is regarded as the increasing financial co-dependency among different countries looked after by global trade, capital flows, knowledge, and migration. Behaviours towards such procedure substantially differ. E-commerce is changing the international trade and commerce landscape and is significantly contributing to a higher level in stimulating development and employment creation while creating strategic opportunities for social and financial progress of nations. On the other hand, FDI (foreign direct investment) flows varied substantially during the recent years and only managed to improve to the extent equivalent to the levels accomplished by the end of the crisis during 2016.  E-Commerce has become an increasingly significant part of the international economy. It is transforming the business practices, and it has substantial insinuations for FDI. This research paper is focused on FDI directed towards e-commerce platforms.


FDI, E-commerce, globalisation, MNEs


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