Quality Management Framework in the Health and Medical Care Industry in Pakistan


Sana Khalid , Uzma Rasool Khan , Fazila M. Ayub , Saman Zaidi , Sidra Sehar ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 45-54 | Views: 1434 | Downloads: 440 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3491803

Volume 8 - April 2019 (04)


This research is conducted to identify the effect of  quality control and its  supervision in the physical care industry in Pakistan. The basic aim of this study is to assess whether principles of Quality control is followed in the health care sector or not.  Different variables such as doctor’s performance, patient satisfaction, financial issues of patients, surgical instruments and medication error have taken into consideration. The quantitative technique of research is applied to the study.  Data is collected through a questionnaire from 80 patients of different hospitals in Karachi. Data is analyzed by using statistical graphs which shows that majority of the respondants prefer private hospitals and their services. The authors conclude that quality management has a considerable effect on the working conditions of hospitals. They  also talk about the future prospects and provide guidance for further research


TQM, Patients satisfaction, medication error, doctor’s performance, health care sector


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