Total Quality Management Practice Implementation in Pakistan Eatery Industry
Ramsha Afzaal , Uzma Rasool Khan , Farah Ahsan , samia malik , syeda sumaiya ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 113-124 | Views: 1201 | Downloads: 325 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3491849
The intention of this study is to find out Total quality management practice implementation in Pakistan eatery industry and its relationship with customer satisfaction and price Fairness. For the data collection questionnaire method is used, 50 sample size is the choice for respondents. The cluster sampling method used, a group of Respondents is divided under the age of 14 – 45 above all the age. The findings show that there is a positive connection with the customer satisfaction and the paying amount toward the provided quality in the product. The result shows that when the companies give them the quality in return of what they paid for it will make the customer more satisfied. The study found that implement quality management approaches in the restaurant business would give them the best result in the form of high profit, customer retention, low wastage and less use of manufacturing cost.
Total Quality management
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