Impact of CSR Investment to Access Capital Moderating Role of Firm Size Case of Textile Enterprises in Nam Dinh, Vietnam


Thi Thu Hoai Pham , Thi Thuy Nguyen ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 136-142 | Views: 977 | Downloads: 302 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3491861

Volume 8 - April 2019 (04)


The objective of the article is to assess the impact of CSR investment to access capital. In addition, we test the moderating role of firm size in the relationship between CSR investment and access capital. The study was conducted on 150 textile enterprises in Nam Dinh province, Vietnam. The results showed that CSR activities with investors positively impact on the ability of enterprises to access capital. At the same time, firm size plays a moderating role in the relationship between CSR investment and access capital. The bigger the enterprises, the more CSR is implemented with investors, which increases the ability to mobilize loans and contributed capital. However, the smaller the enterprises, the less CSR implementation with investors has less impact on the ability of enterprises to access capital


Corporate social responsibility, access capital, Textile and garment, Nam Dinh, Vietnam


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