The Impact of CSR Community to Reputation of Vietnamese Textile and Garment Enterprises Moderating Role of Export Products Rate


Thi Thu Hoai Pham , Thi Hong Hanh Le ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 143-148 | Views: 1001 | Downloads: 303 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3491865

Volume 8 - April 2019 (04)


The purpose of the study is to test the impact of corporate social responsibility with the community (CSR_com) on corporate reputation. At the same time, we evaluate the moderating role of the export products rate in the relationship between CSR_Com and corporate reputation of Vietnamese textile enterprises. The study was conducted on 389 Vietnamese textile and garment enterprises named in the "Vietnam textile and garment directory" issued by the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association in 2015. The results showed that CSR_Com positively affected corporate reputation and the proportion of export products that play a moderating role in the relationship between CSR_Com and corporate reputation is significant


Corporate social responsibility, corporate reputation, export products rate, textile, and garment, Vietnam


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