Impact of Industrial Revolution 4.0 to the Accounting Industry in Vietnam


Thi Thu Hoai Pham , Thi Kim Lien Tran ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 85-92 | Views: 946 | Downloads: 286 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3496451

Volume 8 - May 2019 (05)


The paper provides comments on the characteristics of the industrial revolution 4.0 and the impact of industrial revolution 4.0 on the accounting profession in Vietnam. The achievements of the industrial revolution 4.0 such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, blockchain, have helped the process of automating data entry, improving the accuracy as well as the diversity of input and lifting data. High dead amount of accounting information provided. In addition, the industrial revolution 4.0 also creates challenges for Vietnam's accounting profession such as requirements on information technology skills, adaptation skills, and global language skills. The article also offers solutions to help Vietnamese accountants develop better and adapt to the industrial revolution 4.0.


Industrial revolution 4.0; accounting, auditing, Vietnam


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