The Impact of CEOS to CSR Pracetices. The Case of Textile and Garment in Nam Dinh, Viet Nam


Thi Thu Hoai Pham , Thi Thu Hoai Nguyen , Thi Hai Van Nguyen ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 93-99 | Views: 1151 | Downloads: 284 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3496457

Volume 8 - May 2019 (05)


The objective of the paper is to test the influence of CEOs on the implementation of CSR in Nam Dinh textile and garment enterprises, Vietnam. The study was conducted on 168 managers of Nam Dinh textile and garment enterprises, using the SPSS 22 and Smart PLS 3.0 software, research has shown that CEOs have a positive impact on CSR practices. At the same time, Importance of ethics and social responsibility has a mediate role in the relationship between management profile and CSR practices.


CEO, ethics, corporate social responsibility, textile and garment, Nam Dinh, Vietnam.


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