Assessing the Impact of Entrepreneurship Training On Business Performance: A Case Study of Small-Scale Trained Entrepreneurs in Maseru
Dr. Francis Okyere , Tankiso Makara ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 115-124 | Views: 874 | Downloads: 265 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3496818
Empirical evidence suggests that a large number of factors contribute to small firm success. Entrepreneurship Education/Training (ET) has been cited as one of the most important factors that impact business performance. In Lesotho, there are several organisations that offer ET to potential and established entrepreneurs. However, empirical research of such training on the impact of business success is limited. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of ET on the business performance of small-scale entrepreneurs in Maseru, the capital of Lesotho. The study rested in the interpretivist epistemology in the subjective ontology of conducting social research. Therefore, a qualitative research approach was employed with an open-ended questionnaire to collect data from 20 entrepreneurs in Maseru. One key finding that emerged in the empirical study was that ET has a positive impact on firm performance. On the other hand, the study participants identified a lack of financial assistance, high rent, and lack of access to international markets among others as factors constraining their efforts. Based on these findings, the study makes recommendations to policymakers, ET providers and donor agencies on what support mechanisms to put in place to support entrepreneurs so as to ensure sustainable economic growth
entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship training, business performance
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