The Impact of Technological Innovation on the Performance of Insurance Industry: A Case Study of Adamjee Insurance Company Limited
amna ali , Rabeea Ishaq ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 78-97 | Views: 818 | Downloads: 256 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3510050
The usage of high technology products and software increased tremendously in the twenty first century. Organizations introduce various technological innovations to increase their productivity. The purpose of the study was aimed to explain the importance of technological innovations, the hurdles faced by organizations in adopting technological changes and the impact of technological innovations on the performance of insurance industry. Qualitative research methods were applied to conduct the study and in-depth interviews were conducted from 12 respondents from Adamjee Insurance Company Limited to collect primary data. The data was analysed using content analysis and it was found that the technological innovations have great importance for insurance industry and these innovations. Technological innovations resolve many critical problems, make the tasks systematic, reduce marketing costs of organizations and increase the client’s satisfaction. It was concluded in the research that technological innovations have a positive impact on the performance of insurance industry if the technological changes are adopted according to market situations and requirements of the organization.
Technology innovation, insurance industry
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