The Impact of Hotels E-Service Quality Management on British Tourists Satisfaction


Dr Khaled Elsayed , Dr Rehab Daif ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 67-77 | Views: 683 | Downloads: 233 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3470772

Volume 6 - May 2017 (05)


This paper aims to understand the impact of e-Service Quality Management (e-SQM) in hotels on British tourists’ satisfaction. E-SQM and tourist satisfaction are vital concepts that hotels must understand to achieve a competitive advantage. This paper provides a broad-based analysis which will enable to achieve the sustainable competitive advantage in e-tourism industry. Therefore, this research will critically evaluate the crucial dimensions to deliver e-services at desired standard to the tourists. A quantitative approach was used by distributing a questionnaire to British tourists to explore their opinion on the impact of e-SQM on tourists’ satisfaction. This paper applied a descriptive analysis using Cronbach’s alpha, mean, standard deviation ANOVA and t-test analysis. The purpose of this paper is to examine and develop a better understanding of relationship between e-SQM in hotels and tourist’s satisfaction. The results show that efficiency, privacy/security and reliability have a significant relationship with e-SQM and positively related with tourists’ satisfaction


e-service quality management, hotels, British tourists, tourists satisfaction


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