The Linkage between Entrepreneurial Capabilities and the Repetitive Entrepreneurial Intention and Action of Surviving Entrepreneurs
Hasnain Javed , Majid Murad , Prof Dr Cai Li , Saba Fazal Firdousi ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 17-44 | Views: 917 | Downloads: 276 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3614723
Background: Many scholars focus their research efforts on the entrepreneurial intention of students and non-entrepreneurs, yet most of these scholars found empirical evidence that intention does not necessarily lead these individuals to start businesses (entrepreneurial action). Possible explanations for this could be that: (1) previous studies focused on the wrong samples; (2) they measured entrepreneurial intention as a single construct; and (3) there is a missing link between intention and action.
Aim: To address these gaps, we determine the relationship between repetitive entrepreneurial intention attitudes and action as well as entrepreneurial intention behaviours and actions of 154 existing entrepreneurs in Pakistan. By focusing on a sample of existing entrepreneurs who have already started a business, we shed light on the set of entrepreneurial competencies as a missing link between intention and action. This article is of academic importance as it focuses on the repetitive process that entrepreneurs follow instead of the initial intention that is often overemphasised in literature. As far as could be determined, no other studies have investigated the relationships between entrepreneurial competencies, repetitive entrepreneurial intention attitudes, repetitive entrepreneurial intention behaviours and repetitive entrepreneurial action.
Setting: The research was conducted on 154 existing entrepreneurs in Pakistan.
Methods: A self-administered survey was used and the findings indicate that entrepreneurial competencies have a positive relationship with repetitive entrepreneurial action, repetitive entrepreneurial intention behaviours and repetitive entrepreneurial intention attitudes.
Results: There was no significant relationship between entrepreneurial action and repetitive entrepreneurial intention behaviours. This is an unexpected finding as a positive relationship was expected for a sample that had prior entrepreneurial experience and already engaged in prior behaviours. However, this study contributes to the entrepreneurial intention–action literature by suggesting that existing entrepreneurs with repetitive intention should also be measured in these relationships, in comparison to other research that mainly focused on the intentions of students and non-entrepreneurs.
Conclusion: The practical contribution of this article is in the identification of specific entrepreneurial competencies, such as creative problem-solving, opportunity recognition and value creation, that existing entrepreneurs relied on the most when engaging in entrepreneurial action. Potential, nascent, existing and serial entrepreneurs could focus on these competencies if they wish to engage in entrepreneurial action as well as repetitive entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurial competencies; repetitive entrepreneurial intention behaviours; repetitive entrepreneurial intention attitudes; repetitive entrepreneurial action; survey; Pakistan.
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