Examining the Job Happiness Model in the Organizational Context: Evidence from Bahrain
Saeed Hameed AL Dulaimi , Marwan Mohamed Abdeldayem , Dheya Mohamed Alshaebani ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 12-27 | Views: 1018 | Downloads: 274 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3510064
Volume 8 - September 2019 (09)
Nowadays in most governmental and public organizations, motivating employees and enhancing their capabilities are the most complicated issues in Human Resources Management. It can be argued that organizational behavior is an exciting field of study which can help managers to handle human resources in an effective way in order to achieve the organizational goals. Previous studies in this field revealed that when employees are happy and satisfied at work, the productivity will increase and the management will be able to optimize available resources and improve the organizational performance. This study aims at examining the Job Happiness Model in the Organizational Context. Hence, employees’ responses data has been collected using a questionnaire survey, in addition to some demographic variables that may be connected to job happiness such as gender, age, income, managerial level. The sample of the study includes 187 governmental employees from the Kingdom of Bahrain. A regression analysis was used to test the relationship between the independent variables (the four I’s: I enjoy my work, I care about my health, I respect my colleagues and I love my family) and the dependent variable (job happiness). Although the results of the study reveal a significant and positive correlation between job happiness and the 4 I’s, there is still a lot of things that the management in governmental organizations has to improve and work on in order to make their organizations more effective and efficient.
Job Happiness, The Four I’s Model (I love, I care, I enjoy and I respect), HR Wellbeing, Organizational Behavior, Governmental Organizations, HRM, Kingdom of Bahrain
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