Fostering Service Quality Delivery through Internal Marketing in Domestic Airlines in Nigeria
Olannye Peter , Dr. Egwuenu, A.S. , Abubokhai, J.A.U. ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 09-21 | Views: 1446 | Downloads: 394 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3472264
Conventional approaches to the challenge of providing excellent customer services in businesses have appeared inadequate for not recognizing the pivotal role of the employee. Consequently, it seems that a change in business tactical thinking and methods of service quality delivery is indispensable. The study examines the influence of internal marketing practices on service quality delivery in the Nigerian Domestic Airlines. The survey research process was engaged in this study. The primary data for this research work were obtained from the management staff and employees in fifteen (15) Domestic Airlines in Nigeria, with the aid of a structured questionnaire through a cross-sectional survey research method. The major analytical tools used in carrying out this study were the correlation and multiple regression analysis. The findings revealed a significant relationship between internal marketing and service quality delivery in the Nigeria Airline firms. It is concluded that the component variables of internal marketing influence employee service quality delivery which leads to customer satisfaction. It recommends that Domestic Airlines should embrace the doctrine of internal marketing and be genuinely committed to the standard of internal marketing. It was also recommended that employers should see and treat their employees as internal customers that desire rewards for outstanding performance in order to promote healthy competition and improve service quality delivery.
Internal customers, Inter-functional Coordination, Strategic Reward, Employee Coaching and Internal Marketing.
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