Employees Satisfaction and Firms Performance: Evidence from Small and Medium Enterprises in Burundi


Audrey Giriteka , Kong Yusheng ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 211-217 | Views: 763 | Downloads: 238 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3614755

Volume 8 - October 2019 (10)


The study’s objective is to assess the impact of employees’ satisfaction on firms’ performance in Burundi with a focus on the Agro-food SMEs. The study sampled 369 respondents for its data and used SPSS ordinary least square method to analyze its data. In conclusion, the study found a positive and statistically significant impact of employees’ satisfaction on firms’ performance and the satisfaction of employees stems from their level of education and number of years in employment. However, employers should prioritize the plights of their employees to ensure higher productivity. Perhaps, employees play crucial role in the success of every organization.


Employees’ satisfaction; Firms’ performance; Burundi; Small and Medium enterprises


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