Policy Evaluation Analysis of Palm Oil as Renewable Energy Resistance Commodities
Lusi Zafriana , Zainal Fanani , Indah Dwi Qurbani , Sugiono ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 73-84 | Views: 1022 | Downloads: 278 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3613391
Since 2004 Indonesia has held the status of a net oil importer. The government's effort to maximize foreign exchange inflow and minimize foreign exchange outflows in relation to the revitalization of palm oil commodities. This study aims to provide an evaluation analysis of the policy on the use of oil palm in supporting national energy security. This study uses the balanced scorecard (BSC) method as an evaluation framework that is integrated with the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method as a weighting. The policy evaluation on the use of palm oil in supporting national energy security has a value of 80.222% with a Moderate category. This aspect is elaborated in the Learning & Development (P) Criteria value with an evaluation result of 87.359% in the Good category. Energy Supply System Criteria (S) with an evaluation result of 75.788% in the Moderate category. Energy Services Consumers (E) Criteria with evaluation results of 75.452% in the Moderate category. Welfare Criteria (W) with an evaluation result of 82.313% in the Good category.
Evaluasi Kebijakan, Kelapa Sawit, Ketahanan Energi, Balanced Scorecard (BSC), Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
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