The Nexus between Women to Become Entrepreneur and External Challenges: Evidence from Female Business Students of Sindh, Pakistan


Ikramuddin Junejo , Mehtab Siddiqui , Qazi Mumtaz ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 175-183 | Views: 866 | Downloads: 249 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3614747

Volume 8 - October 2019 (10)


There are many universities are engaged in Pakistan for supplying business graduate into country and approximately 63 percentage population is 25 years old. Cost of doing business becomes challenging in the context of Pakistan; the entrepreneurship is the only solution that seems viable for addressing the economic issues of Pakistan. The primary data has been conducted with help of adopted questionnaire as research instrument and the population of this study was female final year students who are doing their BBA & MBA from Karachi and Hyderabad city. The findings of this study revealed that all above studied variables are found to have significant and negative relationships with business graduates to become an entrepreneur.
Many research scholars explored various factors for becoming entrepreneurs, such as personality and demographic of business students. This study will study only external factors that create barriers for business students to become entrepreneur after their graduation. Based on our limited knowledge external factors are not studied women to become entrepreneur in context of Sindh. 


External Challenges, Exogenous Factors, Endogenous Factors  


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