The Disclosure of the Self-Concept of Women Politicians in Leading Political Parties
Sabena ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 204-210 | Views: 916 | Downloads: 263 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3614753
This study is entitled to the disclosure of the self-concept of women politicians in leading political parties. This study aims to disclose the self-concept of women politicians in leading political parties. This study is expected to be an example of how to become a reliable female politician in the world of Indonesian politics. This research method is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The study showed the following findings: (1) The self-concept of women leaders in the Golkar Party had the same motivational tendency to contribute to the State through the political field, (2) Golkar Party women politicians were required to be disciplined and always develop their leadership through various training and regeneration processes so that they were able to contribute significantly in politics, (3) Golkar Party women politicians had the opportunity to become leaders in the political field, on the condition that they had to develop integrity, professionalism and build broad political relations. To facilitate the political career of the Golkar Party women’s cadres, the writer suggests the following matters: (1) for prospective female leaders, they prepare themselves in terms of attitudes, mentality and academic quality that are sufficient before engaging in politics; (2) the further research needs to conduct on the self-concept of female leaders, in order to broaden the horizons, so that this study can be used as an academic and practical reference for politicians who will be involved in politics.
self-concept, women politicians, & political parties
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