The Influence of Leadership and Employee Competency on Employees Performance Sempoa Company in Surabaya
Pompong B Setiadi , Ratna Ursula S ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 61-72 | Views: 852 | Downloads: 269 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3613389
This study aims to examine the influence of leadership and employee competence on employee performance Sempoa Company in Surabaya. The sample used amounted to 30 respondents The research method used in this study is quantitative with multiple linear regression analysis. The data processing is in the form of primary data which is the result of spreading the questionnaire. Data is processed using the SPSS program. The results showed that simultaneously leadership and competence variables have a significant effect on employee performance Sempoa Company in Surabaya. Partially, both leadership and competence variables are equally influential not significantly on the performance of Sempoa Company in Surabaya.The research findings indicate the need for leadership and human resource competence (employee) that can be used to help improve employee performance Sempoa Company in Surabaya, so it manifests the main goal of the company is to participate in educating the nation through education
Leadership, Competence, Performance
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