Factors Affecting the Performance of Women Entrepreneurship in Asian Developing Countries: An Overview of Pakistan:A Survey Approach
Mehtab Siddiqui , Ashique Ali Jhatial ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 41-52 | Views: 773 | Downloads: 256 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3613385
The present study aims to identify the factors influencing performance on women entrepreneurs, especially in developing countries. Generally, in dominant male societies women suffer from occupational isolation and typically earn less money than their male counterparts due to the less education, knowledge, skills and lack of confidence. Various studies on constraints facing by women entrepreneurs have been conducted on a regional and national level with different perspectives. This article examines structural and cultural factors that affect the performance of women entrepreneurs and intended to fulfill the communication gap, in connection to insure institutional consistency towards women entrepreneurship. Based on the previous studies made by different schools of thought, a comprehensive and critical review was performed over on the concept of women entrepreneurship, in order to determine the challenges and constraints facing by women owned businesses. In addition, we recommend policy measures to concerned authorities to facilitate the women entrepreneurs that they can grow their business in a developing country like Pakistan.
Performance, Constraints, Cultural Factors, Entrepreneurship, Business
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