Audit Process Quality Management in the Airlines Sector with Glykas Quality Compass


Dr. Michail Glykas ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 155-183 | Views: 929 | Downloads: 299 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3613296

Volume 8 - December 2019 (12)


the purpose of this paper is to examine the application of quality management in the airline's sector and analyze it in the context of the Glykas Quality Compass (GQC). We present GQC with its categories and basic concepts.  We provide a literature survey of the field of quality management classified in the four main categories of GQC, namely: philosophies, frameworks, standards and excellence awards. We also provide a survey of all quality related issues associated with the airline's sector. The application of the four aforementioned quality categories in the airline's sector is also envisaged and finally we conclude with the presentation of the quality audit process in the airline's sector as an indicative application of quality standards.


Quality Management, Process Management, Glykas Quality Compass (GQC), Airline Sector, Quality Audit Process


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