The Impact of Procurement Practices Encapsulating Planning, Policy and Sustainability on Service Delivery: VRA, Ghana as the Converging Dot.


Aphu Elvis Selase , Afenya Millicent Selase ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 169-186 | Views: 767 | Downloads: 237 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3613411

Volume 8 - November 2019 (11)


This study was conducted to determine the impact of procurement policy, procurement planning and sustainable procurement on service delivery. The study employed a quantitative research approach and an explanatory design. The target population for the study was the staff and management of the Volta River Authority. A structured questionnaire was used to gather primary data. The study used SPSS version 32.0 for the data analyses. The study found that 73.6% of variations in service delivery were explained by Procurement Policy, Procurement Planning and Sustainable Procurement. The study found that Procurement Policy (β = 0.623 ρ=0.000< 0.05) are significant determinants of service delivery thus a unit change in procurement policy will result in a 62.3% change in service delivery.  Procurement Planning (β = 0.027, ρ=0.080< 0.05) are significant determinants of service delivery thus a unit change in procurement planning will result in a 2.7% change in service delivery. Sustainable Procurement (β = 0.39 ρ=0.000 < 0.05) are a significant determinant of service delivery. Thus a unit change in Sustainable Procurement will result in a 39% change in service delivery. From the model estimation, procurement policy was the strongest predictor of service delivery followed by sustainable procurement and lastly procurement planning. The study revealed a strong significant positive correlation between procurement policy and service delivery.  Moreover, the result showed a strong significant positive correlation between procurement planning and service delivery. Again the study found a significant positive correlation between sustainable procurement and service delivery. The study concludes that Procurement Policy, Procurement Planning and Sustainable Procurement significantly predict service delivery of VRA. The study recommends that the management of VRA must continuously invest in sustainable procurement, procurement planning and procurement policy to enhance service delivery to the public. 


Procurement Practices, procurement planning, procurement policy, Sustainable Procurement, Service Delivery


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