THE LAWFULNESS OF CIRCUMCISION Analysis of the Conformity of Congolese Legislation and Practice with International Law
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It is a great honour and joy to meet again on the occasion of the conference-debate on "The Legality of Circumcision: Analysis of the conformity of Congolese legislation and practice with international law".
Indeed, how can we think of doing this analysis without thinking about the thought of DESCARTES when he said: "I think, therefore I am? » A thought is as a bottle in the sea. After centuries in the depths of the ocean, tossed by waves through the ages, from shore, against all obstacles and against all hope, it falls into the hands of an unexpected destiner, for a new life to eternity[1]. Thus, since we had agreed on this theme with Me Dolorès Sonia (DSK) and Mrs Christiane Kasoro, "I have not given any sleep to my eyes, nor rest to my eyelids"[2]. On the contrary, since Zhongnan University of Ecomics and Law, I, like Professor Basue Babu Kazadi, have let my mind run the waves of reflection. But where do you start? So here I am standing at the crossroads of my doubts like a fetish at the entrance to the village. Because, a thought is rarely first in the sense that it is complementary to previous thoughts and heralds new thoughts, future thoughts. A thought is what remains when the letter has been silent, when the library has burned. Thus, our thinking on the reflection on the lawfulness of circumcision, apart from the introduction and conclusion, will be spread around the analysis of the normative framework of Congolese and international legislation on circumcision (I) as well as the conformity of Congolese practice with these norms (II)
Congolese legislation , international law
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