A Study on the Function of Advertising Tools on Tourism a Case Study of Qeshm Free Zone


Abbas Dadras , Mahbubeh Janafzay , Elham Daryayesalghi ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 56-64 | Views: 1144 | Downloads: 382 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3470802

Volume 6 - June 2017 (06)


The present study is done with the purpose of the function of advertising tools on the tourism industry's prosperity in Qeshm Island. The use of tools and factors affecting advertising is one of the factors that can develop and improve the country's tourism industry. One of the main factors in tourism marketing is the attraction of tourists to the region by way of advertising. Today, advertising should be used as the most important tool in the tourism industry professionally. In ancient Iran, Qeshm Island can be considered as a place where tourism in its centrality can contribute to the growth and development of the province of Hormozgan and this province has a lot of potentials to attract tourists. Hence, tourism advertising is considered as one of the necessary things to formulate marketing strategies for the tourism purposes of the province. Considering different types of advertising and features of Iran’s tourism destinations, this research is looking to identify and use of appropriate advertising methods to attract and increase the number of tourists on Qeshm Island. Therefore, the area of tourism development needs strategic and planning and functional interaction with its environment more than ever, and those areas can hope for their future in attracting resources and delivering products which can take advantage of these emerging environmental opportunities and refrain from the threats posed by it. The facts indicate that the beautiful tourism Qeshm Island for greater compatibility with its peripheral environment must identify the factors affecting on the formulation of its development strategies and formulates the effective strategies. The tourism attraction in this region is no exception to this and it is faced with many environmental threats and opportunities. At present, the lack of strategic policy in this field causes the loss of environmental opportunities and aggravation of internal weaknesses. So, enjoying the approach of strategic planning makes the study area able to protect itself from other rivals and embarking upon basic missions in providing tourism products. The present research is a qualitative review of advertising tools in tourism in Qeshm Island.


Tourism, Advertising tools, Industry, Free zone, marketing


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