Effect of Entrepreneurship on Employment Generation and Crime Reduction: A Focus on Small and Medium Scale Ventures in Aba Metropolis, Abia State Nigeria.
Uchenna Onyemaechi , Arinze Henry Nwankwo , Eberechi Ufomba Ruth ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 142-149 | Views: 798 | Downloads: 254 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3613407
This work examined the effect of entrepreneurship on employment generation and crime reduction. The unemployment and crime rate in the country made this investigation very necessary. The objectives of the study were; to ascertain the extent of the relationship between entrepreneurship and employment generation and to determine the level of relationship between entrepreneurship and crime reduction. To achieve the objectives, a survey research design was adopted. The techniques employed in analyzing the data were descriptive statistics and the spearman rank correlation coefficient. The results indicated that there is a significant relationship between entrepreneurship and employment generation. It was also found that a moderate positive relationship exists between entrepreneurship and crime reduction. Based on the findings, the study concluded that entrepreneurship has an effect on employment generation and crime reduction. It was recommended among others that the government should encourage entrepreneurship in Nigeria considering its positive impact on employment generation because if there are out spring of small and medium scale ventures, it will help to curtail the rate of unemployment and crime in the country.
Entrepreneurship, Employment generation, crime reduction
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