The Role of Strategic Entrepreneurship on Quality of Services in the Hotels of the Jordanian capital Amman
Khalid Munther Lutfi , Dr. Marwan Alnsour ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 150-168 | Views: 908 | Downloads: 259 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3613409
The aim of this study was to identify the role of strategic entrepreneurship on the quality of services in the hotels of the Jordanian capital Amman. A quantitative methodology was adopted, a questionnaire was distributed to gather data from all management levels for the (146) hotels in the Jordanian capital Amman. (328) surveys were analyzed using SPSS and Amos. The study concluded that the strategic entrepreneurship and its dimensions (innovation, creativity, Risk taking, Proactiveness) influenced (55%) of the whole impact on the quality of hotel services in the hotels of Amman. The main recommendations of the study were involving employees in the decision-making process, Providing previous models for creative employees, creating a research and development allocations, providing proactive plans to face systematic and nonsystematic risks, cooperating with competitors
Strategic Entrepreneurship, quality of services, Hotels, Jordan, Amman
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