The Relationship between the Transformational Leadership of Marketing Institutions and the Achievement of Competitive Advantage at the Health Sector (Exploratory Study of Private Hospitals in Saudi Arabia)
Mahmoud Abdel Muhsen Irsheid Alafeef ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 32-45 | Views: 720 | Downloads: 233 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3613272
This study aims to identify the impact of relationship between transformational leadership and the achievement of competitive advantage through the three factors (consumers' satisfaction, consumers' loyalty, and the consumers' continuous use of health service at the private hospitals in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and to achieve the objectives of the study researchers relied on the descriptive analytical approach and built a questionnaire as a tool to collect data from the study sample which was selected equally through the simple random sample method of the administrative employees from the three administrative ranks (upper, middle, lower) on the administrative levels at the private hospitals in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Al-Hayat hospital in Jeddah, Al-Amin hospital in Taif, Abha private hospital, Makkah medical center hospital) based on the statistical samples schedule, where the researcher distributed (20) questionnaires on the administrative staff at the administrative ranks in the (4) hospitals that were selected equally with (20) questionnaires per hospital, therefore the number of distributed questionnaires were (80); in an appropriate and random method and all of those (80) questionnaires were recovered and consider valid for analysis. The results showed that impact level of relationship between the transformational leadership of marketing institutions and the achievement of institution's institutional excellence at the health sector of the private hospitals in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia came with a high evaluation degree and an arithmetic mean for the sample members' responses of the employees in the three management levels (upper, middle, lower) between (4.23-4.39).The study also made some recommendations where the most important was the activation of the transformational leadership concept in the middle and lower administrative levels of marketing institutions in the health sector.
Competitive Advantage, Health Sector, Marketing Institutions, Transformational Leadership
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