Children as an Important Actor in the Process of Family Purchase Decision for Food Products
Abbas Dadras , Mansoureh Ameri Seyahooei , Fereshte Rezvani ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 65-70 | Views: 1197 | Downloads: 364 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3470809
Over the past two decades in Iran the effect of the children on consumer behavior has often been overlooked. However, consumer decision making within the family has begun to receive a growing amount of attention with the increased realisation of the magnitude of the children effect within the family as an important actor in purchasing decision making process. It can be said that in the past, role of the children in buying decision of families had been negligible. But due to development in digital media, children are the first to know about the products when they hit the market even before their parents. Nowadays, children act as an active participant in families buying decision. Children not only choose the products which belong to them but they also have upper hand on products which are used by almost every other family member.
This paper investigates the influence that children have on family consumer decision making. It takes the unique approach of investigating purchase influence from the perspective of both the child and the parent.
This paper aims to identify the most important influencing factors on children purchasing behavior in Iran. To this end, Bandar Abbas city has been selected for the study. The results of the study show that the most important variables to affect parental affiliation of children in the purchase decision are gender, age, pester power, TV advertising, peer group effects, household size, lesser time with family, income level, single parent households, more stress in life, culture, internet advertising, newspaper and magazine advertising, pocket money and mobile advertising.
Children influence, Children purchasing decision, Parenting, Purchasing decision making
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